When can puppies be adopted?
Puppies can join their new family when they are 3 months old, and will be sold sterilized , wormed and vaccinated .
What is the price of a puppy?
You should know that Australian toy shepherds are still very rare in France, even more if they are free from the MDR1 gene.
-toy red tri or black sort with amber or brown eyes: 1500€ (F/M)
-toy red / black laughed with blue eyes, minnows or particolor: 1800€ (F) and 1600€ (M)
-toy blue / red merle with blue eyes, minnows or particolor: 2000€ (F/M)
-toy blue / red merle with amber or brown eyes: 1800€ (F/M)
What is the price of a puppy?
You should know that Australian toy shepherds are still very rare in France, even more if they are free from the MDR1 gene.
-toy red tri or black sort with amber or brown eyes: 1500€ (F/M)
-toy red / black laughed with blue eyes, minnows or particolor: 1800€ (F) and 1600€ (M)
-toy blue / red merle with blue eyes, minnows or particolor: 2000€ (F/M)
-toy blue / red merle with amber or brown eyes: 1800€ (F/M)
Why aren't toy Australian shepherds on the LOF (French Book of Origins)?
Toy Australian shepherds are not listed on the LOF because they are not yet recognized as a full-fledged breed in France because of their size. However, they have American papers and are recognized by the ASDR (American Stock Dog Registery). We will register the puppy with the ASDR at the time of their birth and you just need to send a letter with the name of your choice and your contact details.

How are adoption families selected?
The choice of families is an important point for us. You will be asked questions about your lifestyle, the reasons why you want to adopt a puppy, your experience with animals, etc.
Will my puppy have its tail docked?
Americans have a custom of docking the tail of puppies. It comes from the time when the dogs worked with the shepherds to avoid being caught by the tail. However, we made the decision not to dock the tail of our puppies.
Do we need to reserve our future puppy?
Once certain of your choice, we ask you to ensure the reservation of your puppy for 500 €. At the time of adoption you will need to make full payment.
Preparing for the puppy:
To help settle your new puppy into your home, we encourage the family to bring a blanket or a soft toy during your visit which will serve as a transition object for the puppy.
Our puppies are used to living with other animals such as larger dogs, cats or even horses. However, it is very important for a dog to have its own space in the house.
Before the puppy arrives, check that your home is safe. Take special care to check that electrical wires and any dangerous items are out of reach.
Here is a list of items you will need before collecting your puppy:
-food and water bowls
-something to chew
-grooming kit
-a comfortable place for your puppy to sleep
-a travel crate to safely transport your puppy home
-a basket

Preparing for the puppy:
When you receive your puppy, you will also get the following :
- Bag of puppy food for a good transition
- Toy
- Collar / Lead
- Contract of sale
- Health book (vaccination certificate) + Certificate of good health from the veterinarian
- Advice booklet
- ASDR (American Stock Dog Registry) papers

Dog sitter:
We have decided to develop a service for sending puppies home, in Europe (United Kingdom included) and in the United States.
We work with Helen, she is a dog sitter and will take care of the puppy throughout the trip.
Personalized quotes are made on request , they take into travel cost and travel time for Helen.
Feel free to ask us about it !